Did you know that motivation is an easy key to success? As long as you do not stop, at least try? Perhaps it is the writer’s block or at least artistic block? Often we do not create any new content for our music because simply the music can’t be made unless some inspiration drives our attention to finish a well-made project. Perhaps it would become easier to make music if we just tried to enhance new values and perhaps collab with others? Learn how to share a project with someone else. It is deadly simple, easy. The thing that enhances…
Author: Swagger
By compression, we mean you are to initiate a higher level of the lower frequencies to the maximum limit of the compression level you are using. So here, perhaps you see compression of the 808 tweaked to around -6dB, thus even using this procedure by gaining the envelope’s limit by PRE handle. As perhaps you see, we reduced the ATT level to the lowest possible to ensure that the bass is already at first encounter measured at once it hits as something that needs the compression. You might see the GREEN envelope on the left upper corner, which is a…
As you see here, we have an ugly process of piano notes made exemplarily solely on intuition; it does not have anything of value. Perhaps there are around 4.7 million different sounds globally, and it’s expanding each day to eternity. You start making these notes, and perhaps more natural would be filling them out “quantized” – Quantasizing means they are in order or at least at a logical explanation of in a logical place by the given space. We are trying to do something about this sound to make it different than ever before, knowing that much; surely there was…
There are several ways you want to reduce your volumes of syllables that make trouble in all, mostly all track, and we recommend all artists who want to be the real deal the ace. Well, you gotta pay a penny about this, but anyway, just listen to our tutorial. As we say, it’s probably the most important thing about your production in music! And it applies to all artists! First, look at what we destroyed with our vocal: “NEVER DO THIS.” Since it will remove precious frequencies and makes your vocal dull. First, we get a plugin called SPITFISH. Download:…
Someone asked the question, and we reply with Gimp 2.0 as the best and easiest. You will truly have to learn how to operate both the layers and how to do the layers in even Photoshop, but this program is smarter than Photoshop in its basic way. Sometimes when making a logo for your brand band or even making covers, you will need to attain specialized courses on the internet to understand how to make a design. There are different tutorials on the internet. But we’ve found the best Gimp 2.0 tutorials, and they are right at the link on…
With this tutorial, you will be learned a technique that Dealazer was performing for a long time now, on most of his tracks, but mostly the new stuff; this technique will teach you somehow the further step to even make a stereo in the mono of the mono. Perhaps this idea affects the sound only in a wet situation and the sound, but as well panned. So let’s see here: We have mixer unit 4 routed to the Receiver channel at the Mixer unit 7 as you see the cable. Then by that, we as well pan to the right…
By far, many different systems, this CryptoTab offers widely known as mining software. But it’s integrated with the browser. It would suit perfectly on any pen drive you might use, as perhaps using someone else’s computer, and you need to use a browser, this browser is elegant. But for singular use on your computer, it might blow your mind. So perhaps you are a beginner at mining? Well, don’t be, but if you are, then this offers widely more income than your search for gold, which isn’t available anymore. It’s per how much you contribute and not how much luck…
These plugins are unique. To the top best towards a musician working as well with 3D Music. These plugins are super hot, but let’s talk about freqshifter “Frequency Shifter” Even the Phaser to the Delay these are absolutely hot plugins. Talking about VSTi these hot products really lift your production to the next step analogue. Even the FB-3200 to FB-3100 are some of the cool standards of epic sounds. You might want to go straight to that download site: https://www.fullbucket.de/music/vst.html
This #Tutorial-FLStudio is about mixing and mastering the better way and a proposition to have a more controlled track, especially in this below-shown way. Somehow you might want to reduce the levels of your track to a maximum minimum rather than overcompressing and destroying your details and precious dynamics. It’s all about dynamics! Reading this tutorial is the best fire! It’s like changing the increasing volume of your instruments, and they become more vibrant and unique on your track! Making a difference unique as levels are as low as possible but as high as much potential for 0dB. It would…
This tutorial consists of three different tutorials for Pitcher: You might want to use the Pitcher for your vocals. To get a pitched vocal based on your playable notes. It’s dead simple! Insert a midi out in the step sequencer!: Set the “PORT” to 1. Now insert the Pitcher into a vocal mixer unit!: You see the MIDI button, push that one, and then; Change from .. to 1 on the MIDI Input Port Number: “Down on the left side on the pitcher” After you push MIDI.” On some MIDI input, it will sound like this on anything: If you…
To make quality from digital to analog isn’t quite easy. But closely possible with this tutorial. Anyway, to make that analog sound, you have to maintain all envelopes in Maximus like this: The highest sound will be limited somehow, but kicks are limited at -2dB here because they don’t need more senior levels than that. “Mainly focusing only on -6dB peak kicks will give you bigger room for thinking, since having higher than -1.5dB overall the track will be limited to around that level anyway in the final stage of Maximus Master Channel. Any errors will occur with jumps up…
Mastering is hard, and it may be easy, for some things come naturally, but for others, the need to unlearn is the most important thing in their production. To master your song with not just one suite of a mastering plugin as you would only do, as you would try to use perhaps Izotope Ozone for your track; there are different ways to master your song. It’s not easy since you might need to think nonlogic and even do the process with as many as ten to twenty different plugins; all that will suit the purpose of the mastering process…
To master your track, you might need to have the right equipment. You should be fully equipped with low-impedance speakers with as brutal sound as possible, most likely as authentic as the wave of digital audio, thus giving you room to understand certain noise levels that are to be truly equalized.Β To monitor your track correctly use gaming headphones, earbuds, original studio headphones, small desktop speakers, stereo, and low-impedance car stereo. As soon as you manage the right volume levels know the distance to your music, and how high you can push sounds out in the master. Not only one…
Some of our students struggled with EQ and what to equalize right; somehow, they don’t understand how to EQ the most rightfully way. There’s a simple rule, normalize or reduce high-density peaks to lower levels. Such a procedure can level the sounds and even remove quality bad levels. EQ is about removing or adding a vibe to a sound or an instrument. With Parametric EQ 2, you do it like this: So perhaps you see here that we’ve reduced the density problem of the sound. You might want to reduce these levels to lower levels. You see above that the…
100mb of Steems to above track Ten Days of ma Life: Zipped and carefully put into together. With 11 steems of the full track with two alternatives for sidechained with Kick. 3:15 minutes long. Steems for Dealazer.com – Ten Days of ma Life (WonderousBeat.com Production) Would you want to buy the beat, well don’t budge that more, hop into the stream by greatest producers of hits, who will take your step ahead of your competition! https://www.wonderousbeats.com/downloads/ten-days-of-ma-life/
Yes, masses the silent m masses… Mainstream paid well to silence all producers! Your effort to post anything gives you the fewer plays. The promotions are weak and offer nothing… We are as producers silenced! This though means a new future is ahead and plans to win the game for all participants in the following: Create your plan. People around you who you support, musicians who will be able to promote you one day on several social media. And you them for different ways. The lonesome wolf does not win. You need partners and collaborators, plans to work with others…
How to send your projects is simple to others! For united collab and making tracks bigger Better and sounding great! Collabs need new input, maximizing the effort! That’s how the producers of greatness do! You need to do it fast as well! But to send over: Save the project in a folder and save the .flp in the same folder. Then you can export all data files into the folder which makes zip in the folder with all your data this way: Then zip the project and send it! You can do pre-preparation and use macros to purge unused audio…
There are different options on how to fit your vocal to a beat, but if it’s a different tempo and not the same beat used. You might come into a few troubles. First, detect the tempo of the beat – push on the left corner marker of a sample with the first mouse button: Then you will be able to choose the detect tempo feature: Now choose slightly 75 to 150 choice, if you don’t know already the bpm of the beat. Which is the estimated value, or you can just set it in the original FL bpm tempo option…
When you make a track, most often your bass and kick will play together. Therefore it’s often important to sidechain the kick with the bass and the 808 bass drum with either the bass or bass with the 808 bass drum. Learn a unique technique of Sidechain to remove muddiness and add room for a kick with the bass that is played in your track, like a professional, this is probably the lazy mode and is more precise if followed up on with delicacy on tuning with delay of the plugin peak controller: This is the easy tutorial; Send the…
With this collection, you can easily make your fresh sounds out of 1kb or 2kb sound samples. The group is of 6803 samples ranging from 512 bytes to around 2kb in two different folders. You can quickly put it into the step sequencer by dragging one sample out of the file browser when you copy this collection into your sample collection. So by adding just a touch of this example: The CROSSFADE was edited: By small adjustment of CROSSFADE, you can use then, as this sample loop the sample, of around 1ms. By using that option, your sound will most…
If you find one melody loop? What can you do to make it yours likewise if the notes are fresh enough? To make it sound the same notes as yours? It can be done to bass loops or any melody loop. Even hihat loops which can create fresh, strange melodies that can be used to create a new instrumental sound by this method. There are different steps to proceed to copy out the notes. But for some, it’s unusual and hard just by listening. It can be done to even vocals. To find the same pitch of the vocals so…
It’s quite simple to make 808 with Sytrus if you are a beginner. There are some steps to perform to make it. First, change you’re preset to default. Then edit freq ratio to 0.000 x Then change the Hz to around 48. Then edit the envelope to around this: In the video, it is shown more precisely the different things you can do to modify an 808 more perfectly. And how to master it at the end. It 5mb Video. So it’s not big on data.
The video is short but cool, 1:33 taking you on a different path with Fruity Granulizer With just a few hints on how you can do it, it’s then simple to implement it on your studio. Video is 4MB and all tutorials are cached and compressed to the most on our site, Enjoy!
With different services on the net, you can earn your income with your debit card to sing upon various services that require you to sign for 0.01$ debiting your account. That way, you can sign up on 10-50 different services in your country and exchange that into Bitcoin. You need first one email account, which you use specific to the earning, to avoid using your primary email. That way, you can create one at Hotmail or Gmail. Then with having a bitcoin address, which you can get by signing up on the first link: www.blockchain.com Then push on request, and…
From vst4free.com, you can download all the necessary Guitar plugins, but there are few you have to search for in regular which are not listed anywhere. The arsenal needs to be as well with other plugins from AcmeBar as well are great distortion plugins that many should perhaps look after. But we as well recommend Freeamp 2.5 and 3. For your guitar from Fretted Synth downloads at: https://rekkerd.org/fretted-synth They have a big range of plugins: Full download of all needed plugins are as well here: http://www.vst4free.com/index.php?plug-ins=Guitar/Amp&l=0 If you are in look after the AcmeBarGig plugins well check out this location:…
The best Bitcrusher in a simple plugin made by CMT You change the downsampling up to an 8x for the cool feature of bitcrushing your 808 or even vocal. That feature is taking a break or a part that needs a pause in your music to another dimension. Just remember to set it on with different types of automation that surely only make the sound available for a short time. The volume knob of the plugin in the mixer unit can be automated for that option. To set a different level when needed. This Bitcrusher can be used on nearly…
It’s like never before; I became nearly rich so close to the game! 1% of the population now have assets of cryptocurrency. And that means it’s still golden to recruit yourself into an affiliate of this FreeBitco! Since more straightforward, it does not get! I once earned simple 0.01BTC means I went off out with around 120$ from one of my referrals! That was cash, as usual, as always, I played away all my money on the casino. But now, I focus mainly on my motivation to stay away and push my business! But freebitco.io didn’t give me the income…
With WonderousBeats, you can produce the illest beats. Check their website for the hottest hits in the market. 9.99$ beats of unique quality and content that will beat your customers out of the game. wonderousbeats.com is also searching for talents who would like to earn 90% of the sales and get the quality and wonder type of finish as same as WonderousBeats. Use contact@wonderousbeats.com to send their information on how to sell beats with them. www.wonderousbeats.com
To pan your instrument or hihats using Stereo Shaper is possible. To get a 3D specific feature of your sound is a way to do it, especially with the stereo matrix. As often, you can automate all four handlers in Stereo Shaper to shape your sound in a specific way throughout in your track. Still, it’s a tedious work for very little income but has a distinct crisp sound that can be interesting to your listeners. Especially for auto-panning. You need to load first the Fruity formula controller: Use the preset called three steps LFO. And edit it little for…
Why is dithering important to your 32bit mix if you want to release or send it to someone 16bit or 24bit and even mp3 of your project? Well, without dithering, it makes the centered dithering in the picture blurry. With option dithering on, it makes the 16bit sound more balanced and in the right shape as it routes the sound cuts to the best level. By sound, you make it into 16bit off 32bit where you cut out 16bits of the track near each another 100th millisecond for tracks that are 16bit. So it’s often essential to use dithering. The…